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What is Trenchless Sewer Replacement?



Until recently, sewer replacements meant major excavation resulting in the damage and removal of lawns, trees, concrete surfaces, driveways, asphalt roadways and other valuable structures. Trenching from point A to point B was not only expensive, it was destructive as well. Unforeseen obstacles encountered in the course of excavating could add considerable time and cost to any project. Trenchless sewer replacements do not require major excavating. Yes, some strategically placed holes are dug, but there is nowhere near the disruption and disturbance to your landscaping that is experienced in the old-fashioned "dig it up" method.

A trenchless sewer replacement uses the existing damaged sewer lateral as a guide for the installation of the new pipe. A cone-shaped bursting head is inserted into the old pipe with the new pipe attached to the back of it. The bursting head and the new pipe are then hydraulically pulled through with a steel cable. The precess results in the fragmentation of the old pipe, compression of the soil surrounding it, and a perfect bedding for the newly installed pipe. The new lateral is code approved, root-proof, leak-proof, and designed with a 100 year lifespan (according to manufacturer). Because the pipe is fused together to form one pipe, even an earthquake will leave you with peace of mind.

The less destruction done to your property, the more likely it is to retain its beauty. If you have trees or other valuable landscaping in proximity to the area of your projected sewer installation, you will appreciate our ability to perform the installation without damaging root structures. Essentially, the less we have to dig, the more you are going to save, and the quicker your property's appearance reverts back to normal. Do not allow you sewer project to turn into a long, drawn out, expensive nightmare.